Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Year : 2, Issue : 5

by Salman J. Choudhury
New Year’s Resolution. Before you start flipping this page and going about your day, I know I’m a little late to this topic—a little as 26 days into the first month—but I promise I won’t bore you to old age. Me and some of my other folks randomly touched on this topic and had a full-blown conversation because of how funny it was.
Some of you guys might’ve heard the phrase “New Year, New Me!” or maybe even said it to yourself, and I know who you are. It is actually mind-blowing how so many people use this year as a leeway to be a better version of themselves, feeding the mind with optimistic and positive words and triggering dopamine, which in reality is nothing but delusions. You might’ve seen videos or posts about improving yourself mentally and physically around the first week of the first month, which traps people’s minds into a spiral of constant dopamine.
I believe people have the ability to change themselves for the better without needing to wait a whole new year to act. The new generation is being fed all of this useless information constantly and needs to be on their phones like they have a 9-to-5 shift with TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. God forbid if you try to hide your kid’s phone; not 10 minutes in, they will start spazzing out like a hungry chihuahua.
One of my close friends new-year resolutions was to lose weight. Some of you might sit here and say it’s easy but aren’t willing to put yourself in their shoes. It’s hard finding passion and wanting to change a big part of yourself when, your whole life, you sat there on your couch being comfortable and accepted for who you were for the rest of your life. I know it’s hard, but there’s a process to this: steps you have to create and follow; consistency and discipline; but not everything will piece together itself if you are sitting there wondering how and when to start.
One famous phrase you guys probably heard is “Actions speak louder than words,” and that’s completely true, and repeating that and molding it to your brain will help you achieve your goals easier than waiting on the year 2025 to finish your damn homework or getting a haircut or maybe behind grocery shopping. I know you’re reading this: time to get to work and have a better year than last year. Enough with the cheesy jokes and cringy one-liners. I hope reading this small passage opened your eyes for the better and gave you motivation to finish whatever’s next on the list so we can have a better tomorrow.