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About US

Welcome to The Generation, your reliable and dedicated source for news, information, and storytelling. We are more than just a newspaper; we are a cornerstone of your community, committed to delivering accurate, insightful, and timely journalism that empowers, informs, and engages.

Founded in 2023, The Generation has a rich history deeply intertwined with the communities we serve. Over the years, we have evolved from a small local publication into a dynamic multimedia news organization, but our core mission remains the same: to deliver the news that matters most to you.

At The Generation, our mission is clear: to provide you with news that is fair, balanced, and comprehensive. We strive to shed light on the issues that affect your life, your family, and your community. Our dedicated team of journalists is passionate about uncovering the truth, holding those in power accountable, and telling the stories that need to be heard.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Local Focus: We are deeply rooted in our local communities, and we understand the unique challenges and opportunities they face. Our commitment to local reporting ensures that you are always in the know about what’s happening in your neighborhood.

  • Uncompromising Integrity: We take our responsibility as journalists seriously. Our reporting is grounded in ethics, accuracy, and objectivity. You can trust us to provide you with the facts, free from bias or sensationalism.

  • Diverse Perspectives: We believe in the power of diverse voices and opinions. Our team of journalists represents a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, ensuring that we bring you a variety of perspectives on the stories we cover.

  • Digital Innovation: While we have a proud history in print journalism, we are also committed to embracing the digital age. Our website and digital platforms provide you with real-time news updates, multimedia content, and interactive features to keep you engaged.


We understand that you have many choices when it comes to news sources, and we are grateful for your trust in us. Our commitment to you, our readers, is unwavering. We will continue to work tirelessly to deliver the news you need to make informed decisions, engage with your community, and stay connected to the world around you.


Sadia J. Choudhury

Executive Editor's

Shah J. Choudhury

Mubin Khan

Salman J. Choudhury

Member of Editor’s Board

Husneara Choudhury

Fauzia J. Choudhury

Santa Islam

DevRaj A. Nath

Broadcast & Support

Abdullah Al Noman

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Our Award

Citation From Washington DC

Shah J. Choudhury

Chairman of The Generation
June 9, 2024